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  • Ashish's avatar
    Merge changes from 3.1-release (#4629) · 7476b0a2
    Ashish authored
    * Cherry-Picked NPE fix from master (#4569)
    * Fix notification bug #4547 (#4570)
    * Make Single Query for Nearby and WLM pins (#4573)
    * Merge nearby and monument queries
    * Bug Fix- query resource path change on shouldQueryForMonuments
    * Bug Fixes
    1. Propagate exceptions for nearby API calls to caller
    2. Fix too much work on main thread exception in NearbyParentFragment
    * Modify parameters for Nearby query
    * Bug fix- current location marker (#4580)
    * Move WLM template below geolocation template (#4582)
    * Modify string for WLM upload notice
    * Fix bug #4583 (#4591)
    * Fix bug #4585 by updating kotlin and acra version (#4592)
    * Fixes #4554 - only use WLM2021 template for countries that are included in it (#4574)
    * Fixes #4554
    1. For WLM uploads reverse geo code and see if the country code is supported -only then is the WLM upload flow triggered, otherwise usual nearby uploads happen
    2. Bug Fix - Current Location marker and area
    * Fixed compile error added after rebasing
    * Bug fix for country code in reverse geo code
    * Update WLM camaign dates [Do not merge now, merge only after alpha release] (#4584)
    * Updates dates for WML campaign
    * Bug fix- campaign dates
    * Fixed logic for WLM enablement - stick to the month of September
    * Add countries supported by WLM2021 template, except Italy
    * Versioning for v3.1.0
    * Update
    * Fix empty default lang bug (#4608)
    * Fix bug #4583
    * Fix empty default lang bug
    * Fixes #4595 - Updated nearby query (#4622)
    * Fixes #4595 - Updated nearby query
    * Removed logic to replace local language in nearby query - that might acccidentally replace other strings
    * Fetch property location in usual nearby query
    * Remove duplicate line (#4626)
    * Change "learn more" link to new wiki
    * Add Sweden's P3426 to property filter
    * Fixes #4601 - 1. Handle possible exceptions in upload file from stash 2. Modify MWException, as error is nullable, update getTitle and getMessage to rever that (#4627)
    * Versioning for v3.1.1
    * Update
    * Updated DB version to rever integrity
    Co-authored-by: default avatarMadhur Gupta <>
    Co-authored-by: default avatarJosephine Lim <>